You Cannot Choose Your Market
. . . Your Market Chooses You SM

Hire Better Candidates

Match your candidate’s profile to your agency’s client profile and raise your retention rate.

Build Better Business

Learn a proven way to meet hundreds of good prospects you don’t yet know.
<b>Critical Contacts</b><br />opens the gateway to<br /><span class='highlighted'>unlimited growth</span><br />for financial services<br />professionals. Our revolutionary<br /><b>Invisible Market Matrix<sup>TM</sup></b><br />software<br /><span class='highlighted'>zeroes in</span><br />on prospects who want to do business with you. The IMM<sup>TM</sup><br />shows you<br /><span class='highlighted'>exactly where</span><br />to find hundreds of<br />prospects who are<br /><span class='highlighted'>looking for you.</span> The IMM<sup>TM</sup> connects you to an<br /><span class='highlighted'>unlimited</span><br />and<br /><span class='highlighted'>endless</span><br />pool of qualified prospects.
“Critical Contacts makes eminent sense. Now I know how to meet large numbers of prospects in the same places, on a regular basis, over and over.”
• • • Joanne Conrad
One Page Business Plan Consultant